
Bouncing back from early tumbles
A blessing some might say
A scrape rendered invisible 
A tear absorbed by flesh

Wounds neatly tucked
Beneath the floor of life
Inconvenient truths
Swallowed by the lick of time

Each offense encrypted
With the ability to absolve
The afflicted now empowered
With iron-clad resolve

A quintessential blueprint
The bloom of youth might hold
To build a new tomorrow
Depart from the foretold

A brick-by-brick foundation
Built with tenacity and grit
No need to wake the pain
Painstakingly put to sleep

But as the seasons blossom
New lives and loves unfurl
The gnawing sleep awakens
Begging us to heal

Seasoned souls make efforts
To embrace what gives us wings
The scars at last succumbing
To a quiet peaceful sleep

On our drive to parent's weekend at UMass, where our son blossomed into the wonderful human he is today.


A Poet Reimagined


Divine Motherhood